
PropsSet Design

Unique Furniture Placement Ideas

hen it comes to arranging furniture, sometimes thinking outside the box can lead to surprisingly stylish and functional solutions. Whether you’re dealing with an awkward layout, a small room, or an unconventional space, there are plenty of creative ways to make your furniture work for you. Let’s explore some unique furniture placement ideas that can transform any room into a design masterpiece!

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PropsSet Design

The Transformative Art of Set Decoration

Oh, yeah, it’s movie night, and whether you’re a film buff or a binge TV watcher, you grab a beverage, an assortment of snacks, and dim the lights as you settle into the world of your favorite story. Could be the gritty western reimagined world of Yellowstone, or how about the mind bending an eerie world of time travel that is Dark? For the sake of argument, why not a recent fan favorite, Game of Thrones. So you’re watching that final season; Jon Snow celebrates with his fellow Northmen while Daenerys watches from a dark corner–the torches flicker their medieval light, the stone walls capture the dankness of a castle, everything seems just as it should be.

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Owner Film ProjectsProps

The Incredible Sets for Netflix’s Dark

Baron bo Odar’s critically acclaimed science fiction series Dark recently finished its third and final season on Netflix. The show’s mind-bending exploration of time travel in a small German town could read as almost anywhere, a consideration that was completely by design. Though many of the settings of Dark are actually filmed in or near Berlin, Udo Kramer, the show’s production designer explains that “the idea was to create a place that was more of a fantasy, rather than to recreate a realistic German town.” Indeed, his greatest inspiration for the show’s sets came from David Lynch’s Twin Peaks, where Kramer saw sets as backdrops that accented characters rather than taking on a life of their own.

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