Rent out your property

Film Location Rental Inquiries

List your film location rental home or businessOwners of location rental properties! Be SURE you check your email and make sure you have FilmLocationsWanted on your email safe list.

Many scouts and production personnel use our web site email form to inquire about your property after reviewing your location profile on the web site. If you don’t have us on your safe list, you could be missing out on production rental requests.

One suggestion to make sure you are getting the emails is to log on to your profile and send a test inquiry email directly from your location profile using your listed email address you set up on the site.

This will insure you are getting them. REMEMBER, production personnel send you an inquiry that includes their questions and contact information.

Secondly, remember, scouts and production personnel are under time constraints and are actively seeking to acquire a location for their project as soon as possible and to get considered, respond to them ASAP before they find someone else to host the project.

If you have any questions, contact us.

Film Locations Wanted List Your Property