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Film Location Stories


Share with other owners, location scouts and production personnel. 


  • Open to current and new members. Get a free or upgraded one year listing with photos and staff review when you share  your tips, stories and suggestions of what it is like to rent out your property to host film production.
  • Let us know about your experiences while renting your property to film, photography or event production.  Share your experience with production personnel and let scouts know you are a film friendly owner. You can offer tips to other home and business owners who want to rent their property for films, television and event venues too.
  • Submit your current Film Location Profile for a free or upgraded one year listing when you fill out the form below with your feedback. (limited time – All property submissions must be reviewed and approved by FLW staff to qualify.) Please do NOT submit your property here.
  • Has your house or business been used as a location venue for filming, events or photography? Tell us about it.
  • We will share your property, knowledge, tips, stories and suggestions of what it is like to rent out your venue with our film community. Submit your experiences, tips or suggestions and if accepted for publication will enhance your current location listing free.

Current Members: 
If you already have a free or paid profile on our site, you will be upgraded or have your current profile extended for a year .

New Members:
If you do not have a listing on the web site yet but have something to share and we publish, you will receive a complimentary listing for one year on FLW. (note all accepted listings must have a minimum of one approved photo of the property before the listing can be reviewed and activated in our location database.)

Complete the form below and submit today.

    Is your experience about a home, business or props?

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Do you currently have a location listing on FilmLocationsWanted? (required)

    If you have a property profile on FilmLocationsWanted please include link to your profile page or title of your profile.(required)

    What Type of property do you have?(required)

    What State or Country is your location located?(required)

    Have you received calls that resulted in an appointment to see your property? Tell us about it.

    Have you actually booked a project to rent your property and how many times?

    What did you charge for the use of your property and how long did the company use it.

    Have you rented out props?

    Tell us about your experience

    Do you have any tips or suggestions for those who are new to renting out their property?

    [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]

    Thank you for your input, you will be contacted within 24 hours if your submission is selected to appear on the site as well as assistance on how to get your year listing implemented.


    Film Locations Wanted List Your Property