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How to use this site to locate a film location rental

How to use this site to locate a film location rental.

If you are a production company or location scout and want to contact the owners who are listed on this web site, please register – it’s FREE!

Our database displays photos and details of all types of film friendly property rentals worldwide.

Estate film location rental in San Diego California

To review film location profiles listed on the web site, simply go to the search location link at the top of the page.

You will be directed to a master listing of all locations listed in our database.

If you are looking in a specific geographic area for a location rental, you can filter by using  our ADVANCED SEARCH LOCATIONS LISTINGS 

For a full listing of locations that are available in a particular state, we suggest you do begin with only a state search omitting city, that will bring up everything listed in the state. Most listings at the top of results will have photos of the locations for your review.

Once you select a location that may fit your needs, located on the profile is the owners name, email and in most instances a telephone number so you can contact them directly.

FilmLocationsWanted does NOT require any fees, you deal directly with the property owners in  every aspect, including rates.

If you are short of time, don’t see anything that will work for your project, we suggest you:


Submit the I Need A Location  form and when received, we will post your inquiry on the web site as well as send out your location needs to our film friendly community. Should there be a venue that fits your description need, owners will contact you personally for additional details.

We work with owners all over the world who are looking to rent their homes, businesses and unique locations for production.

If you need further assistance, please contact us for help on how to locate a location for your project. Our staff will be happy to help in anyway to help you find just what you are looking for.

Good luck with your project.

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