
Listing Homes and Businesses by Owner Film Location Rentals

list house film location rental owner
list house film location rental owner

If you are an owner looking to rent out your business, residential property or unique location, list it in the online location rental directory. Film Locations Wanted offers owners free one year rental listings or for a small fee, add images too. Listings offers owners the ability to add details and photos for scouts to review. Attract production to contact you for a “go see”.

Once you are contacted for rental venue, you need to determine the price. How much you can charge is based on their production budget and your rental fees. You need to consider how many days and what resources they will need for filming as a set. There is no set price for using your location rental until you discuss the details with the scouts. How many days to shoot? How many people will be on set and so forth.

Understanding the project will be a main the objective to formulate a cost to rent your location.

It is far less expensive for a filming projects to rent property from owners than to build a set. Renting owner property is preferred because it is a ready made backdrop. Generally they like to have everything in one place to shoot. Already prepared rental location is far less cost and time. Owner rentals are a popular choice.

Filming can be anywhere from a few hours to weeks. or more depending on the scenes needed to complete the segments of the project. Photography projects are generally one day shoot. Television shows and other production can be anywhere from one day to months. The cost to use your location rental will depend mostly on how many days they need the location.

Renting out property can generate additional income for any owner, and when listing a rental a key is to provide as much information and pictures in order to interest scouts in coming out to view the locale. The more details and description the better.

Scouts are under time limitations. Often times they need to find and procure a number of locations for just one film. Therefore, it is important that owners provide all details to assist the location scouts in determining for your property is right for the scene(s).

Where is production filming? Read the rag news and learn where and when filming events. We try to offer links to other industry websites. Reading will give you overview of locations are used or have been used in past productions. The rag is a overview listing of up and coming production, locations used for movies, and television to learn about filming location rentals.

Who is shooting, what and when? We add notifications weekly on production projects. All types of location rentals by owners are scouted by production personnel. Homes in any condition. Worldwide businesses, mansions, abandoned and vacant buildings, warehouses and much, much more.

To get an idea of what types of locations are used when filming or to brush up on the industry, can be as simple as watching a movie. Take note of the varied backdrops of the scenes. There can be numerous locations used in just one film production project.

Film Locations Wanted List Your Property