Film location available for production rental
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
See property below.
At the Liberty House Restaurant, youll find a 14,000 beautiful square foot restaurant and catering facility surrounded by water on three sides overlooking the Hudson River on the Marina.
The terrace, patio and our gardens feature chic cabanas and sofa seating line the outdoor terrace, and our life-size chess set offers the ultimate photo opp. The Liberty Room, located on the first floor adjoining our year round Tented Garden Pavilions, is a beautiful space that faces Lady Liberty and Manhattan. Upon entering the Grand Ballroom on the second floor, eyes immediately drawn toward the 35 foot cathedral ceiling. Exposed woodwork, finished metal, and soft, neutral colors offer you a blank canvas on which to create the perfect event. Floor to ceiling windows afford breathtaking, panoramic views, while French doors allow access to a wraparound terrace that provides a refreshing escape.
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact the home or business owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
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