Film location available for production rental
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
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History The Chateau’s architecture is a perfect example of early French Renaissance and offers many similarities with the chateaux of the Loire valley, although it preceded many of them. The chateau’s construction is supposed to have been completed between 1520 and 1525. Several years after the French revolution, a Prince from the North of France – the Prince of Berghes – married the daughter of the new owner and decided to renovate the chateau. The architect in charge of the works was Victor Ruprich Robert, a fellow of Viollet Le Duc, the first architect in France who undertook the renovation of medieval and renaissance buildings, and whose major – although sometimes criticized – accomplishments include the renovation of the Carcassone fortress and the Toulouse’s St Sernin church. The interior layout of the chateau was transformed significantly during the renovation, in particular through the addition of wooden paneling, which represented a “modern view” of “gothic style” in those days. Subsequently, the chateau changed hands numerous times until it was acquired by the family of the current owner in the early 1990’s and fully renovated starting in 1998. In 2008, we effectively finished renovating the chateau by creating a spectacular 7th suite under the rooftop, with 5-meter high ceilings. The historical rooms have been decorated over a ten-year timeframe by the current owner and are unique in style, offering the cosy feeling and charm that have made the reputation of THIS Luxury Medievil Fortress The seventh room, however, is “outrageously” modern as you will see in the photographs, with contemporary art, a design bed and 50’s and 60’s Brazilian furniture. Aside from suite N°7, all the bathrooms offer large “retro” bathtubs. A perfect filming or photography location. Contact us for details
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Toulouse, Southwest France, France
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The History of this stunning Medievil Fortress dates back to the beginning of the XVIth century when the Monpezat family (also spelled Montpezat), lords of, decided to abandon their medieval fortress, which stood on a cliff overlooking the entire Garonne valley, and settle near the riverbed.
The château offers seven wonderful suites. Six of the bedrooms offer queen or king size while one of them offers two spacious single beds.
The Chateau de Saint-Martory was built in 1520
It is located in the South West of France near Toulouse
The château is a luxurious private home not a hotel
We don’t rent rooms, we rent the entire chateau with a full staff !
St Martory is perfect for a holiday,
a wedding, a honeymoon or a business
Services include :
• Cleaning team
• Gardeners
• French chef
• Chinese interpreter (on demand)
• Limousine with driver (on demand)
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact the home or business owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
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