Film location available for production rental
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
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This historic space has been outfitted with every modern amenity to be the ideal space to host the perfect event or shoot. We provide a non-traditional venue so that our clients have a blank slate to start from and can make the space their own. Without any décor, the soaring ceilings and cement walls feel "industrial chic" but clients can transform the space with glitz and glam, rustic touches, romantic lighting, modern lines, whimsical details, and vintage furniture. If you can dream it, it can be done at Olio. Located just North of Boston, Massachusetts, in the heart of New England, the venue is conveniently located and easily accessible to Logan Airport and nearby accommodations and attractions. Olio caters to all clients, particularly those who have a unique vision, background, or story. Olio welcomes all and actively seeks out LGBTQIA+ identifying clients. Olio is a family business, launched by Sarah Narcus after a decade planning events with her wedding coordination company, Without A Hitch, in partnership with her mom. Olio is professional designed and operated . With 6,000 sq ft and easy loading access, Olio is perfect for events of 25 to 500. Pricing and lots more information, including FAQs and tips/tricks are on Olio's website and social media accounts. Inquire today to schedule a tour!
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Massachusetts, USA
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All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact the home or business owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
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