Remote pristine jungle in Yucatan
Film location available for production rental
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
See property below.
Just 2.5 hour drive from Tulum or Cancun airports, near the village of Tixcacalcupul. An 80 acre remote jungle in the heart of the Yucatan. This incredible wild nature location is miles away from the nearest village or neighbor. Featuring ancient huge trees such as Zapote, Tzalam, Chaka, Kitanche, Dzildzilche, Sabal palms (guano yucateco), Bromeliads, creepers, lianas, and a huge diversity of native flora and fauna. Access is through a rough road although it is doable with a sedan car. 100% safe, the site has a working kitchen, washer/dryer, solar panel generated electricity (240 and 120V) running hot and cold water and bathroom. Accommodation is unlimited for tents outdoors (bring your own) or 2 twin beds in the Mayan palapa. Translator and local guide available. Local extras available at additional cost. Cost per day: $500
The Mayan Palapa (hut with thatched roof and vertical log walls) has been completed but the rest of the house is under construction (kitchen needs windows and rendering and living room and workshop need to be built)
All Filming Location Rentals are listed by owners, if interested in a property, contact the home or business owners via email, telephone if provided, or by clicking on the contact link on the property details page.
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